Title: Nanny Mihi and the Bellbird Author: Melanie Drewery Illustrator: Tracy Duncan ISBN: 978-0-947506-36-0 RRP: $21.00 Specs: 230 x 215 mm portrait, PB, 32 pp, colour Published: 10 July 2018 Fact sheet for classroom use: Click here The Book: Every school holidays the kids go and stay with their nanny in her house by the sea. One morning (for some reason) Nanny Mihi gets the kids up early and they sit on the porch whistling a song until the sun comes up. Then they find out why – a bellbird appears and joins in the song. Whenever they come to stay after that, the bellbird is there to whistle the kids’ song. But in spring, there is no bellbird! What has happened? Nanny Mihi and the Bellbird is a charming story about love for family and nature, released for school holidays — a special time for kids and grandparents (and for parents as well). Nanny Mihi is back!
Title: Nanny Mihi and the Rainbow Author: Melanie Drewery Illustrator: Tracy Duncan ISBN: 978-0-947506-65-0 RRP: $21.00 Specs: 230 x 215 mm portrait, PB, 32 pp, colour Published: 5 November 2019 For Teacher Resource: click here The Book: Nanny Mihi’s mokopuna (grandchildren) come to stay during the school holidays. Each day, she sends them out to collect objects of a different colour. They scour the local beach collecting shells, flowers, seaweed and beach detritus left by humans, all the time asking, ‘why?’. By the week’s end they have a collection of coloured items for a beach rainbow. Nanny Mihi teaches her grandchildren and the kids who will read the book patience, creativity and connection to nature — and that sometimes the best things are not those we keep but those we give away. The text includes te Reo throughout, for which translations are provided. Tracy Duncan’s revamped artwork and Melanie’s enduring story ensure that once again children’s imaginations will be captured.
Title: Nanny Mihi's Medicine Ngā Rongoā a Nanny Mihi Author: Melanie Drewery Illustrator: Suzanne Simpson Translated by Kanapu Rangitauira ISBN: 978-1-99-004211-9 RRP: $21.00 Specs: 230 x 215 mm portrait, PB, 32 pp, colour Published: 15 June 2022 For Teacher Resource: click here Nanny Mihi’s grandchildren excitedly visit her every school holidays. Only this time they arrive with colds … Nanny takes the kids around her forest and garden, showing them plants that can make them feel better. They find kawakawa and make tea, mānuka to put in the bath and clear their stuffy noses, koromiko to help their headaches, and cabbage tree leaves to help with the cuts and scratches they get in the forest. By the time they’re well, Nanny is tired and scratched from their foraging — and the kids know just what she needs! This latest in the popular Nanny Mihi series features an all-new illustration style and a spread of information about the medicines growing around us.
Title: Nanny Mihi’s Harvest Te Hauhake a Nanny Mihi Author: Melanie Drewery Illustrator: Suzanne Simpson Translated by Kanapu Rangitauira ISBN: 978-1-99-004257-7 RRP: $21.00 Specs: 230 x 215 mm portrait, PB, 32 pp, colour Published: 4 June 2024 For Teacher Resource: click hereHaere mai,’ called Nanny Mihi, when we arrived to stay. ‘You are just in time to help me plant the garden.’ The fourth book in the Nanny Mihi series extends the nature connection from 2022’s Nanny Mihi’s Medicine/Ngā Rongoā a Nanny Mihi, with a fully bilingual text about gardening (publishing ahead of Matariki 2024). When her mokopuna arrive for the spring school holidays, Nanny enlists their help to plant her garden. As they return each season, the kids see their labours bear fruit. By winter there is nothing in the garden, but the products of the harvest have gone into a soup that ‘tastes like spring and summer and autumn and winter’! The fast-growing Nanny Mihi series is becoming a perennial for Kiwi kids.
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