Title: Kura Toa: Warrior School
Author: Tim Tipene
ISBN: 978-0-947506-17-9
RRP: $25.99
Specs: 210 x 148 mm portrait, PB, 92 pp, b&w
Published: new edition 4 August 2016
The Book:
High-school student Haki needs to find the pounamu that was stolen from him after a car crash by a mysterious old man who seems to know a lot about him. Haki’s search brings him into conflict with his family, his friends and his school. In the process he must confront his fears and find a way to answer the challenge to serve his people and his land, fight a taniwha, and grow into a warrior.
Kura Toa is a superb read for students in the 12–16 age group that distils youth and indigenous issues into a seamless and easy-to-access narrative that has attracted a strong following in schools.
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