Title: Ratana the Prophet
Author: Keith Newman
ISBN: 978-1-99-004258-4
RRP: $45.00
Specs: 230 x 153 mm portrait, PB, 284 pp, colour and b&w
Published: 7 May 2024
‘A life-changing vision in 1918 inspired an ordinary man to accept an extraordinary challenge. In championing a deep cultural shift among the decimated Māori people of New Zealand, Tahupotiki Wiremu Ratana helped rechart the course of a nation.’
T.W. Ratana is a tōtara of modern history — the visionary founder of New Zealand’s largest homegrown religion, the Ratana Church and movement.
Ratana the Prophet tells his life story, from his early days as a hard-working farmer, heavy drinker and gambler to the ‘divine’ encounters where he picked up the mantle of earlier Māori prophets, and championed the Treaty of Waitangi as the nation’s founding document.
This new edition builds on Keith Newman’s decades of research into T.W. Ratana, updated to take in the events of the 2010s and early 2020s, and includes previously undisclosed and untranslated material.
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