Title: There’s a Tui in our Teapot
Author: Dawn McMillan
Illustrator: Nikki Slade Robinson
ISBN: 978-0-947506-47-6
RRP: $25.99
Specs:  270 x 210 mm portrait, HB, 32 pp, colour
Published: 16 October 2018

For Teacher Resource: Click here

The Book:
There’s a tui in our teapot. He’s looking out at me.
A tui in the teapot?
Yes … he wants a cup of tea!

A tui and his various friends including takahe, kea, korimako (bellbird), pukeko and hoiho (yellow-eyed penguin) invade the family kitchen, getting up to all kinds of high jinks and making a tremendous mess!

What will Nan say when she sees what the hilarious gang of mischievous birds have done to her kitchen?

Two of New Zealand’s best children’s book creators join together in this classic bit of fun that concludes with a handy fact list on the native birds featured.