Title: There’s a Weta on my Sweater
Author: Dawn McMillan
Illustrator: Stephanie Thatcher
ISBN: 978-0-947506-76-6
RRP: $25.99
Specs:  270 x 210 mm portrait, HB, 32 pp, colour
Published: 4 November 2020
For Teacher Resource: Click here

The Book:
There’s a weta on my sweater!
He’s climbing up my sleeve …
A humungous weta! An awesome weta!
He doesn’t want to leave.

Weta and friends, including beetle, centipede, stick insect and huhu, come to school with the kids for Show and Tell.

In the classroom weta marches along while his friends show what they can do — singing, dancing and scaring the teacher!

But they don’t want to stay in the classroom! Where will they go? Will Koro be able to help his mokopuna keep the critters safe?