Title: Freyberg
A Life’s Journey
Authors: Matthew Wright
ISBN: 978-0-947506-72-8
RRP: $45
Specs: 234 x 153 mm portrait, PB with flaps, 232 pp, b&w
Published: 6 October 2020
The Book:
Bernard Freyberg was a legend while alive and is an iconic figure today, commemorated in the naming of schools, squares and swimming pools across the country.
But how much do we really know of the man behind the myth? And what enabled a humble immigrant child in Wellington to become a hero in two wars, friend to literary giants and politicians, very private father and husband, and very public governor-general?
In this fresh account of one of the 20th-century’s great New Zealanders, Matthew Wright approaches Bernard Freyberg the man rather than the more widely known figure of a military leader.
Freyberg: A Life’s Journey is the most accessible biography on ‘Tiny’ Freyberg yet, with numerous black and white photos.
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