Title: Te Reo Māori: The Basics Explained
Author: David Kārena-Holmes
ISBN: 978-0-947506-69-8
RRP: $34.99
Specs: 210 x 148 mm portrait, PB, 168 pp, b&w
Published: 5 February 2020
The Book:
The use of te reo Māori in daily New Zealand life is snowballing, as is demand for resources to make learning the language efficient and enjoyable. This book helps answer that demand.
Here in simple terms is a thorough guide to the building blocks of grammar in te reo, showing how to create phrases, sentences and paragraphs.
After an introductory chapter on pronunciation and written forms of the language, 17 chapters introduce the main base words, particles and determiners that guide their use. The book employs real-life examples to illustrate how Māori grammar works day to day.
Te Reo Māori: The Basics Explained draws on David Karena-Holmes’ decades of experience teaching and writing about Māori language. Building on his previous works, this updated and expanded approach will be an essential companion for speakers at any level.
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